Petrobras, Porto do Açu partner on five-year oil, gas decommissioning campaign

(WO) – Petrobras signed an agreement with Porto do Açu (RJ) to provide support to the decommissioning of oil and gas platforms. The agreement makes docks available for platforms undergoing decommissioning until the final destination of the unit has been decided, in accordance with best international practices on green recycling and sustainability.

The contract with Porto do Açu, located in the city of São João da Barra (RJ), is for three years and also covers support services to the units, electricity supplies, etc. The agreement is part of Petrobras’s plan to decommission a total of 26 platforms by 2030.

News article on 11 September 2023 from

For further reading, please visit >> Petrobras, Porto do Açu partner on five-year oil, gas decommissioning campaign

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