Could seaweed, mussels and coral on decommissioned oil platforms be new source of feed for Scottish aquaculture?

Scientists hope to show marine growth on inactive North Sea oil and gas platforms can be turned into fish and animal feeds.

It is hoped seaweed and algae brought to shore during decommissioning can be recycled for the benefit of Scotland’s valuable salmon and shellfish farming industry.

In what is said to be a global first, researchers will look at ways to reuse the material, which can include seaweed, mussels and corals.

Scottish decommissioning company CessCon Decom has teamed up with researchers at Abertay University for the project.

News article on 21 November 2022 by Keith Findlay from

For further reading, please visit >> Could seaweed, mussels and coral on decommissioned oil platforms be new source of feed for Scottish aquaculture?

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